Mens Health a serious concern

As men age or go through health changes, it's common that feelings of sexual excitement no longer lead to erections as quickly. The condition is common, but because most women don't seek treatment, actual numbers are hard to come by, according to the Women's Therapy Center in Plainview, N.Y., which specializes in female sexual dysfunction.

She points out that while some people know early on in life how they want to define themselves sexually, others take time to work out what feels right for them. Although Major stresses that it's normal to sometimes have sexual encounters that don't go well”, she recommends visiting your GP or local sexual health clinic if persistent erection difficulties are impacting your sex life. Mostly, people respond best sexually when they're having sex with somebody that they like, love or feel a connection with and where they've taken time to understand their own sexual needs as well as those of their partner.”

Read more about : 5 natural ways to overcome Erectile Dysfunction

The use of porn can sometimes affect people's expectation about what a sexual encounter with real life partner could be,” she adds. Get a medical check up. Schedule an appointment with your family doctor to rule out physical issues that may be causing your sexual issues. Learn about effective treatment options for low desire, erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems.

This is the main reason for sexual problems such as PE (Premature ejaculation) and ED (Erectile dysfunction) and can't get an erection. Dysfunctions were transitory and experienced by the majority of people, dysfunctions bounded male primary or secondary impotence , premature ejaculation , ejaculatory incompetence ; female primary orgasmic dysfunction and situational orgasmic dysfunction; pain during intercourse ( dyspareunia ) and vaginismus According to Masters and Johnson sexual arousal and climax are a normal physiological process of every functionally intact adult, but despite being autonomic it can be inhibited. However, many studies, including Hayes and Dennerstein's critical review, have demonstrated that aging has a powerful impact on sexual function and dysfunction in women, specifically in the areas of desire, sexual interest, and frequency of orgasm.

According to Emily Wentzell, American culture has anti-aging sentiments that have caused sexual dysfunction to become "an illness that needs treatment" instead of viewing it as the natural part of the aging process it is. Not all cultures seek treatment; for example, a population of men living in Mexico often accept erectile dysfunction as a normal part of their maturing sexuality 36. In the context of heterosexual relationships, one of the main reasons for the decline in sexual activity among these couples is the male partner experiencing erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis.

Sexual dysfunction also may be an important marker for blood glucose issues, depression, and a host of other important medical issues. Some of the most common physical problems that can culminate in sexual health issues included impaired circulation, hormonal imbalances, aging and substance abuse.

Reference : Dr AK Jain
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